How Rotary is building the next generation of leaders

Hello, I’m Rotaractor Ruthie Mwathi. I recently had the privilege of shadowing Leonard Ithau, the Rotary International District Governor (DG) for District 9212 (Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Eritrea). I accompanied him to the Central highlands of Kenya to visit 15 Rotary Clubs in the region.

Among the many assignments he undertook, one experience has stood out for me and is what inspired this blog.

During the visit, DG Ithau chartered two Interact clubs in Kerogoya Boys high school and Ngaru Girls high school respectively. An Interact Club is a service and leadership organization for young people, typically aged 12 to 18, that is sponsored by a local Rotary Club. Interact Clubs are a part of the larger Rotary International organization and are designed to provide young individuals with opportunities to participate in community service projects, develop leadership skills, and build friendships while adhering to the principles of Rotary.

Witnessing this event was nothing short of extraordinary. Over 70 boys and 71 girls were welcomed into a world where “service above self” is not just a motto but a way of life.

The most remarkable part of this journey unfolded after these young men and women officially became Interact members. They asked to sit down with DG Ithau so they could understand his role. Their questions went beyond the surface, delving into the very core of leadership.

They inquired about how he tackles the challenges that cross his path each day. They sought insights into how they could effectively convey the benefits of joining Interact to others. They wanted to learn how to lead their Interact clubs with excellence. The depth of their curiosity was simply amazing.
For someone who had been shadowing the DG for a while, I was taken aback. I had never asked such profound questions myself. These young Interactors revealed a powerful lesson, one that I will forever carry with me – about the art of gleaning wisdom from those around us.

See Also

Right before me I saw the next generation of leaders in Rotary. These young minds, with their enthusiasm and dedication to service, not only embraced the principles of Interact but also highlighted a timeless truth: that true leadership knows no age, and the quest for knowledge bridges generations.

As I reflect, the emotions I felt remain detailed in my heart. It serves as a reminder that leadership isn’t just about guiding others; it’s about empowering them to ask profound questions, to seek wisdom, and to grow personally and collectively. The experience with those young Interactors enriched my journey and reinforced the belief that the most profound lessons often come from those who stand beside us.

How to charter an Interact Club:

  1. Identify a Sponsoring Rotary Club:
    The Rotary Club should be willing sponsor and support the Interact Club. This Rotary Club will provide guidance, mentorship, and oversight.
  2. Determine Eligibility: Ensure that the prospective Interact Club members meet the age requirements, typically between 12 and 18 years old.
  3. Assemble a Core Group: Recruit a core group of interested young people who want to become members of the Interact Club. This group will be responsible for the club’s formation.
  4. Contact District Leadership: Get in touch with the Rotary District leadership team to express your interest in chartering an Interact Club. They can provide guidance and support throughout the process.
  5. Develop a Club Constitution: Work with the core group and the sponsoring
    Rotary Club to draft a constitution for the Interact Club. This document should outline the club’s purpose, structure, and bylaws.
  6. Hold a Meeting with Prospective Members: Organize an initial meeting with prospective club members to introduce them to the concept of Interact and to discuss the club’s mission and goals.
  7. Elect Club Officers: Hold elections to choose club officers, such as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other necessary positions.
  8. Plan Club Activities: Collaborate with the core group and the sponsoring
    Rotary Club to plan the club’s initial service projects and activities.
  9. Secure Approval: Submit the club constitution and the list of club officers to your sponsoring Rotary Club and the Rotary District for approval.
  10. Register with Rotary International: – Once you receive approval, register the Interact Club with Rotary International. This formalizes your club’s status as part of the Interact program.
  11. Celebrate the Chartering: – Hold a chartering ceremony or event to celebrate the official establishment of your Interact Club. Invite members, parents, Rotary Club members, and the community to join in the celebration.
  12. Begin Club Activities: – Start conducting community service projects,
    leadership training, and other activities that align with the mission of Interact and Rotary. Throughout this process, it’s essential to maintain communication and collaboration with the sponsoring Rotary Club and the Rotary District, as they will play a significant role in supporting your Interact Club’s growth and success.
    If you need any help in chartering an Interact Club, please get in touch with our District 9212 New Generations Director Rotarian Gideon Akwabi on
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