LIFE changing opportunity for Starehe Girls

Four years ago, we embarked on a life changing project. The club established a scholarship project to support bright but needy students. Two girls, from remote parts of the country got a chance to secondary education. In 2017, Starehe Girls’ Centre would become their home for the next four years.
Starehe Girls’ Scholarship project is one of the club’s flagship project. The project is financed through our annual charity golf tournament. Funds from the tournament have provided school fees year in year out for the girls together with school supplies and pocket money.
As a result of the scholarship, the girls’ future is assured. At the end of every term, the club members receive performance reports of the girls. And the girls are really excelling in school. From their reports, you can tell they are determined to succeed in their studies. One of the girls wants to become a doctor, and the other an electrical engineer. Pretty impressive professions. And besides paying for their fees, every so often we mentor them, both on how to achieve their dreams and in making great life choices.

Last Scholarship Project Cheque
This past Thursday, three club members accompanied President Njoki to Starehe Girls in presenting the last scholarship project cheque. This obviously is not our last cheque, as the club aspires to sponsor more bright needy children. The members included Norah Njeri, Jennifer Muiruri and Victor Muto.
Before presenting the cheque, we got to an opportunity to meet the school’s Deputy Director who briefed us on the girl’s progress. One of the girls had been picked by the German Cultural Centre and was undergoing extra training on the German language. Currently, Maureen, teaches German to lower classes of her school.
After the brief from the Deputy Director, we had a brief discussion with the girls. They briefed us on their progress in school and their aspirations. They both still want to pursue their respective professions after completing high school. And they’re working hard towards it.
With the brief done, we stepped out for a photo moment to present the cheque to the girls, together with some personal school supplies.