Introducing S-PRoF; a vocational fellowship of Rotarians!

We are glad to introduce the S-PRoF, a Vocational Fellowship of Rotarians! This fellowship is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International. S-PRoF is the expression of a Rotary International core value, representing an association of the Strategic Planning thinking Rotarians and of other skilled people in the field, participants in RI activities.
The S-ProF application was submitted on March 22, 2019 and recognized as a fellowship on October 4, 2019 under the vocational: RI bylaws governing Rotary Fellowships, CoP Art. 42.020.1
The S-ProF solely aims to develop Strategic Planning skills by learning, and implementing this knowledge through educational and operational activities.
The Rotary International resources in the Strategic Planning field are and will henceforth be used as main S-PRoF resources since S-PRoF Vision is a Rotary International Vision.
The start of the S-PRoF activity will focus only the first three Strategic Planning Levels of the NSP pyramid: Members, Club and District. The involvement of S-PRoF in the activities of the other Strategic Planning Leadership levels will be made only upon RI request.
Based on the S-PRoF Executive Committee consent the external posts of S-PRoF will have to be approved by the S-PRoF Director for Communication. S-PRoF’s discussions are subject of internal opinions. External posts must not be in conflict with the RI communication in the field.
In this establishment, the Rotary International has the right of property on the ideas and proposals of S-PRoF in the Strategic Planning field.
Further, S-PRoF’s funds will be used ONLY for administration purposes, not for covering personal expenses and will consist in fees ($100/3 years or $50/ year) and donations payable in a bank account proposed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
S-PRoF members Leadership Structure will be mainly oriented on Educational and Operational activities following the hierarchy of the NSP Pyramid Leadership Levels and the Rotary International ones . The S-PRoF will be structured under three committees: Executive, Operational, Educational
Corneliu Dincă, PRID | Chair, Director ExOE7 – Trainer |
Stephanie Urchick (USA), RID | Co-chair, Director ExOEL7 – Trainer, Communications |
Jessie Harman (Australia), RIDN | Director ExOEL7 – Trainer |
Virpi Honkala (Northern Europe), RIDE | Director ExOEL7– Trainer |
Marijan Bulat, RC | Director Liaison ExOEL7 – Trainer |
Daniel Tanase, IRC | Director Education & Resources ExOEL7 – Trainer |
Martha Mocanu, E/MGA | Treasurer, Director Finances ExOL7 |
Educational Committee to be discussed
Operational Committee to be discussed
Levels: 1 – Members
L2 – Club
L3 – District
L4 – Region
L5 – Zone
L6 – Continent/Multi-Zone
L7 – The Rotary World.
This approach means that each member of the group will receive a sort of classification like:
ExOELn, L=1 to 7.
For example ExOEL4 will be interpreted like Director Level 4 (Region) Executive/Operational/Educational
Recognition awards:
Based on the well-known proposal of Stephanie we will all have
S-PRoF’s :
- Membership pins – Logo
- ” Champion” pins (for Educational or Operational merits)
- ”Ambassador” pins (for both Educational & Operational merits)
All this will be in Rotary Strategic Planning which will be granted on the basis of certain criteria of SP involvement.
S-PRoF’s funds will be used ONLY for administration purposes, not for covering personal expenses and will consist in:
$100/3 years or $50/ year
Dues/ donations payable in the following bank account:
RO10BTRL01702205488742XX, SWIFT code: BTRLRO22XXX – Romania
Article by Dr. Corneliu Dincă, PRID – Regional Development & Strategic Planning, Rotary International