INITIATING Action with The Interact Club of Oshwal Academy Mombasa

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people between the ages of 12 to 18years. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but the clubs are designed in a manner that they are self-governing and self-supporting. In Kenya, ideally these are students in high school.
According to data from the Rotary International, Interact has grown to be one of the most significant and fastest –growing programs of Rotary service, with more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries globally, with a membership of over 200,000 high school students, and counting.
Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which further’s international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, members develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs.
This December 2019, we take a moment to reflect on the activities conducted by the Interact club of Oshwal Academy Mombasa, during the year 2018-2019 under the stewardship of President Sifti Kaur
- Guided by the 5th Rotary International Area of Focus; supporting Basic Education and literacy, the Interact Club of Oshwal Academy Mombasa (Interact OAM) sponsored 5 children from the Cannan Orphanage to attend Ziwa la Ng’ombe Primary School under a full-scholarship. Besides rescuing the kids and offering basic education, Interact OAM is providing all basic necessities to enable the kids lead a life of dignity.

- In celebration and marking the Interact Week on 13th November 2018, the Interact OAM planted trees and cleaning the environment
- On the 16th to 18th of November 2018, the Interact OAM was also a part of the 2nd Annual Interact Leadership conference in Malindi hosted by various Rotary clubs from the district 9212. During the conference, members brainstormed on how to fund raise and viable sustainable projects they could conduct. About 100 Interact members participated in the conference.
- On the 26th January 2019, the Interact club of OAM made a cash donation to an animal shelter, the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals, K.S.P.C.A Mombasa, to cater for the normal operations of the facility.
- On Sunday 10th of March 2019, the Interact club of OAM visited St. John’s Girls school located in Kaloleni to donate items in support of formal education. The items included geometrical sets, a printer, story books and sewing machines. The school currently hosts about 1200 girls from different backgrounds.
- Interact OAM, in conjunction with Rotary Club of Mombasa, became the first ever Interact club to do a solar powered borehole. The solar powered borehole, located in St. Andrews school of Malindi, supports over 10,000 people living in that community, including 2,100 from the school itself, with safe water for consumption
- On September 22nd the Interact club of OAM made a donation to Bofa School that consisted of: story books, desks, cooking flour and refreshments. The club also visited the neighbouring BrightMoon Education Centre and donated: a printer (with cartridges), unga (cooking flour) and sweets.
As the 2019 year comes to a close, the Interact club of Oshwal Academy Mombasa calls upon other Interact clubs across our district to take action build international understanding and make new friends around the world.
Article by President Sifti Kaur – Interact Club of Oshwal Academy Mombasa