Who am I!
Lessons I learnt as President
By Wangari Annette
President 2020-2021
Rotaract club of Karura
I remember my Installation, how happy, nervous, hornoured I was. I also remember the end….
1. We had a project at a school. Everybody in the school showed up (Principal, Chairman, Teachers Workers, Pupils) buzzing like bees. It was a big success. 330 tree seedlings planted and 150pax of the school community present.
Lesson learnt:
Show up when others do not.
You see, we only had 3 members in attendance and they all came when the project was ending.
2. I received a call from a Past President. So and so wants quite there position. What! Why? ” I didn’t know we had an issue until now… “
Lesson learnt
Teach your directors how to resolve conflict. There is a proper way to manage conflict. Stay calm, listen, resolve and let it go.
3. You see on paper our club had 38 members. When we held meetings we got 10-13 members attending, when it came to projects the same thing was happening. We were lucky to attract numerous friends and guests but our own members were not showing up. Remove all inactive members, attract the type of members you require.
Lesson learnt
Make firm decisions and stand by them.
4. From all the lessons above. There is none more important than having fun. Enjoy your time as President, show up and have a blast all the time.
In the end as I stood to Handover to the next board. I stood as a different leader, more confident, with a thicker skin, happier.