Turn of SEASONS|

With Each Season come Endless Opportunities.
To the All Rotarians the World Over,
It is finally that time of the year when we get to sit down and reflect on the happenings throughout the year. The new year comes with a different feel for everyone, for most its the rush of excitement at the opportunity of a ‘new chapter’ while for others it is the sense of belief that it just might be different.
For this particular year, we get to experience the beginning of a new decade. Closer to our hearts it needs to beg the question, what should this new dawn mean to us as Rotarians, Rotaractors and family, and friends across the globe? Personally, it makes me reminisce, why are you a Rotarian or a Rotaractor? What motivates and drives your service? At the end of your season, what will your service to humanity be driven by?
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
Looking back at 2019,it has been a progressive and dynamic year where we have seen firsts of different kinds. Just to name but a few; 1st cancer run in our district, chartering of the 1st Corporate Rotary Club in Africa, partnership between our district and the UNEP. What this goes to show is the growing commitment towards intentional and deliberate development of the family that we now call Rotary.
This reminiscing would, however, be incomplete if we don’t take a moment to honour the lives lost throughout the year. May their souls rest in eternal peace.
From our end, we would like to appreciate everyone who took time to read, write, share and offer insights towards the timeline. As we countdown to June, we would like to further request you to share thoughts on how to improve ‘The Timeline’ in the coming year.
Thank you all.
With love,
Rtn. Wanjikú
The Timeline EDITOR|
Rotarian, Rotary Club of Nairobi - Langata|• Organization Leadership INCUBATOR|• Transformational Mastery CATALYST|• Corporate Wellness STRATEGIST|• Well-Being Ambassador of LIFE|•