Rotary Ethiopia 2018-2019 Report by Past Country Chair Azeb Asrat

As we just closed the 2018-19 Rotary Year and following the Joint Rotary/Rotaract/Interact Country Team Handover held on 25 May 2019, below are our joint achievements, plans set aside as well as my thoughts on how we can move Rotary forward in Ethiopia:
1. Lifting up the Country Office making it ready for registration and become a full fledged office: this has been and continues to be a priority area, as we want Rotary to be well recognized and visible in the country.
2. Membership Development and Club Extension: Four Rotary Clubs have been chartered (Enderasse sponsored by RC Bole; Hawassa and Aksum sponsored by RC AA; Hawassa Lake sponsored by RC AAW). This has allowed an increase of about 100 Rotarians. Thanks to PDG Teshome and Club Presidents for taking the lead and spearheading the process of orientation/training of the new members for their readiness. While this accomplishment is quite progressive, we and particularly the sponsoring clubs shall continue to closely follow-up and strengthen these clubs until such time that they fully stand on their feet. This will help retain members and prevent club termination, as we continue to strive to grow Rotary in Ethiopia and become our own District.
3. Elevating the New Generation having close partnership and coordination amongst Rotarians, Rotaracters and Interacters: with the appointment of Rtn Filfil Mulugetta of RC Bole as the New Generations Chair and in collaboration with DRR Adam Aberra and Rtct CC Tsegamlak Zerihun and other key players including Rtct/Rtn Kidanemariam of RCAAW, Rtn Hanna of RC Sheger, Rtn Rajeev of RC Bole, Rtn Hawariat of RC Arada, Rtn Bezawit Damtew, Rtct Michael (Photography), Rtct Helina Shimelis, Rtct Michael (Music/DJ), Rtct/Rtn Beantamlack of RCAAW, Rtn Yanet Ayalew of RC AA West and ICC Sami and his team, the coordination and implementation of joint projects and events were handled smoothly with excellent results. The year began with the coordination of Rotary and Rotaract Clubs that marked the joint distribution of school supplies to 7,000 students in 28 Primary school valued at 600,000 Ethiopian Birr.
4. The visit of the Past District Governor, Jeffery Bamford and his spouse Rotarian Purity Mwendwa: With support and close coordination of all Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs, PDG’s Visit went quite smoothly, having the opportunity of attending fellowships in all the Clubs in Addis Ababa and travelling to Clubs outside of Addis Ababa (Debre Birhan, Jimma, Gondar and Hawassa). Apart from attending fellowships, meeting members and sharing the District’s yearly planning, the PDG had a chance to be a part of the Rotary orientation processes to two potential clubs in Hawassa who have later been chartered and inducted by the RI Past President, Barry Rassin.
5. The High Level Visit of the Rotary International Past President, Barry Rassin: Accompanied by the Rotary International Director, Yinka Babalola and the Past District Governor, Jeffery Bamford, the Rotary family in Ethiopia, this year, was greatly privileged to have the high level official visit of the RI President from 01-05 March 2019. The RI Past President and his delegation were received at a VIP level, the Government having accorded all protocol requirements. During his visit, the RI Past President attended the Rotary Ethiopia National Day Celebration where Rotary, Rotaract, Interact Clubs and the National Polio Prevention Committee (NPPC) along with other partner agencies jointly show cased their projects, products and services. The delegation had opportunities to meet with the Rotary family at the REND as well as during the Cultural Event and the Partner Recognition Dinner. On the latter occasion, a number of Rotarians pledged to give to the Rotary Foundation in a significant way. The RIPP had high level meetings with the Government and officials from the African Union and Economic Commission for Africa. The highest mark of the RIPP visit was the meeting with the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, H.E. Sahlework Zewde at which the RI Past President presented a prestigious Plaque in recognition of the eradication of polio out of Ethiopia. Moreover, a meeting with the State Minister of Health, Dr. Liya Kebede, with NPPC Members was attended by the delegation to discuss the ongoing requirements of polio prevention measures and other post-polio plans, including funding gaps. To ensure visibility of the RI Past President’s Visit to Ethiopia, a Media Conference involving journalists from some media agencies was conducted at the Hyatt Regency, which were later captured in radio, TV and newspapers. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to PDG Teshome Kebede, PDS Nasru Omar, AG Mulunesh Tenagashaw, PP Aster Zaoude, Club President Samson as the AU/ECA Rotary Liaison Officer, Rtn Mohamed Idris and Rtct Gelina Shimelis of the Country Office Admin for their tireless contribution to have the success of the RI Past President’s Visit to Ethiopia.
6. The 4th Rotary Ethiopia National Day (REND) Celebration: the success of this important event was derived from a dedicated, committed, energetic and smart group of Rotarians and Rotaractors, the REND Team composed of PP Hawariat Petros and NGC Filfil Mulugetta as Co-Chairs, PDRR Adam Aberra and RCC Tsegamlak Zerihun as Co-Secretaries, Rotarians Yanet Ayalew and Hanna Abeba as Co-Finance/Treasurers, Rotarian/Rtct Kidanemariam and Rtn Mengistu of RCAA as Co-Public Relations Officers, Rotarian Metshet of RC Bole for the venue set up and decorations and Rtct Helina Shimelis of the Country Office for coordinating with the team very closely in all admin and finance activities. We organized and held the 4th National Day Celebration after five years of interruption due to difficult circumstances beyond the CO’s capacity. As highlighted above, the National Day Celebration coincided with the RI Past President’s Visit which made it even better to show case the Work of Rotary, the very close working collaboration of Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors having joint programs /events. As per the RI Past President’s assessment, Ethiopia considered exemplary in terms of spearheading the equal working partnership of Rotaractors with Rotary Clubs. I am indebted to all of you for making this event a memorable one and a break through so that our yearly National Day shall continue.
7. Increasing Rotary Publicity and Media Coverage in Ethiopia: During this Rotary year, one of the plans set forward was to increase Rotary visibility and publicity. Although we did not manage to have a wide coverage of Rotary and its activities, a joint Rotary and Rotaract Club TV interview in EBS involving Rotarian Yoseph of Bole RC, DRR Adam, RCC Tsegamlak, PDRR Abenezer, the Rotaract partner NGO, the elderly beneficiaries and myself as the CC. The coverage had wide viewing that it touched upon the Rotary basics and the various activities that Rotary Clubs undertake in Ethiopia, having a particular focus on support provided by Keroggie Rotaract Club to elderly beneficiaries in the past eight years. Rotaractors also participated in a number of radio and TV interviews and some of the Rotary/Rotaract events were also captured by journalists. Information sharing on social media has significantly increased during the year with active participation of all clubs. I am sure there is more media coverage accomplished by Clubs and this trend has to continue over the coming year in a coordinated manner.
8. Attendance at the Rotary International Day in Nairobi: I was very pleased to see that some Rotarians, Rotaractors and I attended the event at which the RI Past President and other senior Rotarians were present. Hopefully in future emphasis on the importance of attending such meetings in big numbers to ensure that Ethiopia’s presence is well recognized.
9. Attendance at the District Conference & Assembly and East African Project Fair in Mombasa: This year’s DCA was well attended by Rotarians and Rotaractors in good number and one Club, RC Addis Ababa West, participated in the East African project fair, displaying four projects. Again here, I would like to emphasize that to seek international partners, this is one way that we can all explore possibilities to join hands and fund projects. Hence, other clubs may also try to participate in other future project fairs. For taking part in the coordination of the Project Fair, the Ethiopia Country team was well recognized at the Convention. Thanks to Rtn Yanet Ayalew for liaising with the DCA Committee team as regards the registration and flight/hotel booking for attendees.
10. Attendance at the Annual RI Convention in Hamburg: This year’s annual Rotary Convention was attended by few Rotarians as many of our visa requests were rejected by the German Embassy. We even wrote to the RI Organizing Committee, to mediate. However, that also did not materialize positively despite efforts exerted by the Committee. I have gathered that similar decisions have also affected quite a number of countries, causing unnecessary cost implications on the part of Rotarians, who have registered and booked flights and hotels. One suggestion that I would like to make for future conventions is if all Rotarians travelling from their respective clubs could make a point of coming together in large numbers at the venue to have better recognition of Ethiopia’s presence at the Convention. Other countries go with exclusive outfits, flags, etc. Why not us?
While these are the highlights from the 2018-19 Rotary Year, one outstanding plan which I had in mind, was having a Rotary Peace Project led by the Country Office. This could not materialize due to other priorities. However, RC Addis Ababa West has already developed a concept note for a Peace Project and is now closely coordinating with international Rotary Clubs and a peace building NGO based in Washington. The Club has encouraged more Rotary Clubs to be involved. The idea of having a Peace Park in Addis Ababa is something we should consider, once this project takes off.
I thank you all wholeheartedly for making my term a very productive and resourceful one and wish CC Mulu a fruitful year of Rotary!! In closing if I forgot to mention names of Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors who have been key to the success of the Rotary Year, my heartfelt apology.
Yours in Rotary Service,