Together, Let’s Move Forward
October marks the beginning of the second quarter of this Rotary year, which must serve as a prompt for us to evaluate our efforts in the first quarter. During the months of July, August and September, we were happy to see a deliberate effort by Rotaract Clubs in our district to strengthen their governance structures and membership engagement.
Many took part in trainings organized by our committed district leaders, which clearly reflected in improved club reporting standards. We also welcomed the Rotaract clubs of Fanos, Suna-Migori, Eldama Ravine and Athi River into our ranks with very exciting members who will certainly continue our spirit of doing good to the world. We still have a lot to improve on and the second quarter provides a second chance for us to continue building and inspiring leaders in our communities while significantly growing our impact.
October, November and December in Rotary are dedicated to Economic and Community Development, the Rotary Foundation and Disease Prevention and Treatment respectively. This calls for us to up the ante and get more people involved in supporting our communities as we rebuild to a new normal amid concerns of a possible second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
We are called to take leadership in giving our people hope of a stronger tomorrow. Now more than ever before the significance of sustainability of our projects will be put to test. We must evaluate our partnership with our immediate project beneficiaries and continuously find better ways of engagement and involvement with our main goal being creating a positive and lasting impact. Let us share ideas and keep being innovative and exciting.
In January, Rotary President Holger Knaack announced this Rotary’s year theme as “Rotary opens opportunities.” Rotaractors and Rotarians across the globe have put the theme to action in different ways.
For instance, throughout the coronavirus pandemic period, our clubs, members and ourselves have changed how we operate and perceive ideas. The flexibilities that appeared to be a pipe dream in our clubs operations suddenly became a reality. We changed our ways even as we kept our spirit and passion. Today, I choose to celebrate you.
As community development partners, we have sought to find new opportunities to continue being present in our communities and walking with our people while remaining empathetic of the struggles that many face. The impact of Covid-19 spared no one. We were all either infected or affected. Many Rotaractors and Rotarians chose to be at the forefront of supporting and undertaking projects that ensure the world had something exciting to return to. We may not be where we all want to be but we are certainly on the right track.
Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world, it will be known by the results it achieves. Together, let’s move forward. We are People of Action.