Rotary Zone 22 Leaders Meet to Sharpen Their Saws

By Henry Ndirangu

“Enter to Learn and Go Forth to Serve” announced the Rotary International Director Patrick D. Chisanga, when he welcomed Rotary Leaders for what has become the annual Regional Team Learning Seminar (RTLS), held in the scenic city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

Taking place between June 20-23, the training brought together Rotary Foundation coordinators (RRFCs), Rotary Coordinators (RCs), Rotary Public Image Coordinators (RPICs), Endowment/Major Gifts Advisers (E/MGAs), End Polio Now Coordinators (EPNCs) and their assistants, to learn about their roles and plan together for an effective 2024/25 Rotary Year. More than 19 countries were represented at the seminar.

This was the third time that the outgoing Director was hosting such a seminar, with the previous one having been held in Johannesburg and Antananarivo. In reflection, Rotarian Chisanga noted the seminars had not only offered an opportunity for fellowship, networking and business, but had also raised the bar in fulfilling Rotarians needs across the continent. It also served as a welcome for incoming Rotary International Trustee Ijeoma Pearl Okoro, who ensured that all participants were Paul Harris Fellows.

Rotary’s regional leaders use their knowledge and skills to support and strengthen clubs and districts, to focus and increase Rotary’s humanitarian service, and to enhance our public image and awareness.

They work through districts to connect Rotary members with resources that support Rotary’s goals and deepen its impact in communities around the world. They also serve as trainers and facilitators at Rotary institutes, governors-elect training seminars, regional and zone seminars, district training, and other events when asked.

As Rotary’s approach to building knowledge and skills shifts from a training model to a learning model, lead facilitator Past District Governor Ahmed Saada said, participants were placed at the centre of the learning experience so they can direct their own learning and skill development.

Case studies were presented in plenary sessions, while respective teams had in-depth discussion on specific and strategic matters in breakaway sessions. Informal sessions were held over dinner and on the 2nd floor, which provided just the right ambience to establish and deepen the bonds of friendship.

The seminar also provided an opportunity for a Rotary Means Business fellowship, at the African Union headquarters. Participants explored opportunities in the bustling Ethiopia as the continent surges on with implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Putting together such an impactful seminar took a lot of work and choreography, with Immediate Past District Governor Azeb Asrat leading the Local Organizing Committee, while Past District Governor Victor Paa Kwesi handled all the logistics.

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