Rotary Club of Nairobi iMara: Rotary District 9212 Gets One More Corporate Club

By Joy Namasaka
Past District Governor Eric Kimani, a Rotarian of more than 30 years, presented the idea of chartering a corporate Rotary club at I&M Bank Kenya. This was embraced by the senior management of the bank as a way of fostering staff support and engagement under Rotary.I have been associated with the employer bank of the Rotary Club of Nairobi iMara, I&M Bank Limited, for many years. I was a Non-Executive Director on their board for many years,’’ Kimani said.
Nothing can be as significant as setting up a Rotary club within the bank!’’
The journey began with a general invitation to the staff of the bank to be charter members of a Rotary club with online fellowships and subsequently embracing in-person meetings once a month. The first in-person meeting was held at the rooftop restaurant of the bank’s head office at 1 Park Avenue in Parklands, Nairobi. The fellowship was generously sponsored by the I&M Foundation, which is the community service arm of the bank, through the duly appointed trustees. There has also been one swallowship together with members of Rotary Club of Nairobi Muthaiga North (RCNMN), our sponsoring club, that was well received by those who attended.
With the support of RCNMN we have had the opportunity to invite a wide variety of speakers to share with Rotary Club of Nairobi iMara members the ABC’s of Rotary as well as their areas of general interest and specialty, that have included the Head of the I&M Foundation James Gatere and former Chief Executive Officer of Stanbic Bank Kenya and South Sudan, Charles Mudiwa.It has been a steep learning curve for a majority of the charter members of the club who had no idea what Rotary was about. With the help of experienced Rotarians led by PDG Eric Kimani and others among the bank staff that have guided and patiently responded to their questions and queries we are sure that the charter members will be the harbingers of the success of the Rotary Club of Nairobi IMara.
The Rotary Club of Nairobi iMara held its charter ceremony and installation on July 29, 2023, during a dinner at the Boma Hotel in Nairobi. The ceremony was officiated by District Governor for Rotary International District 9212 Leonard Ithau. Welcome to Rotary membership, the world’s foremost and most prestigious service organisation with over 118 years behind it, and enjoy your membership to the fullest,’’ Ithau said.
Offer yourself whole heartedly in service and friendship to deliver powerful change in our communities and ourselves, especially through the grant system of the Rotary Foundation, of which you now become a supporter to.’’
The club’s Charter President Bilal Jamil is a Branch Manager at I&M Bank, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi and a longstanding member of the bank’s fraternity. Bilal Jamil is a successful businessman who is passionate about community service. The club intends to expand its membership by bringing on board more people who are passionate about community service and making a difference in Kenya and the world over.By forming RC iMara,we have bequeathed to the bank a new breed of people who will bring more value to the bank, our nation and the world at large than any other single act!’’ Kimani said.
You have begun a journey that will bring unlimited networks, friendships, wisdom, knowledge, travel and experiences you have never imagined.’’