Rotary Club of Lavington Jioni Joins The Adopt A River Initiative
Adopt a river initiative is a National ‘people driven’ wetlands monitoring and restoration project that is being piloted within the Nairobi river basin before scaling up to other parts of the country.
The aim of this initiative is to adopt a nearby river, monitor water pollution levels at designated points, and undertake its restoration and conservation.
Rotary Club of Lavington Jioni is well Known for its vibrancy and the people of action Club where we are fully determined to adopt a river in this case Kirichwa River, Monitor water pollution levels at designated points, and undertake its restoration and conservation to create a safe space for humans and other species in the ecosystem
Rotary Club of Lavington Jioni has partnered with Rotary Club of Eco under the umbrella of UNEP to make this life-changing initiative more impactful. We believe coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is a success.
We aim to partner with other like-minded organizations that care about the environment and to do our part in conservation and restoration. We envision a better environment for our communities, restoration of aqua species, reduction of water pollution, and living in a clean environment for picnics and wellness as a whole.
Rotary Club Of Lavington Jioni together with its Partners has been able to take part in the Kirichwa River assessment to identify and monitor water pollution levels at designated points as we prepare to undertake restoration and conservation of the River.
The assessment took place on 21st August 2021 at Kirichwa River along the valley arcade bridge and later headed to the Kirichwa river point at Arboretum Park where we identified the challenges and marked Arboretum Park as our other potential point of Clean up.
Currently, we are also contacting stakeholders, the statutory bodies, and water testers as we try to seek permission to embrace the Arboretum point into our project. Together with our partners, we are committed to action; as we have already marked the ranges for the Kirichwa River point at Gatina in Kawangware and the Valley Arcade bridge where we also engaged the surrounding communities in the preparation of our main clean up activities. Don’t hesitate to be part of this noble cause to make the world a better place.
- Setting dates for the remaining activities.
2. Engaging more volunteers and like-minded partners for the adoption of Kirichwa River.
3. Permission grant to adopt Arboretum point into our project.
4. Contacting stakeholders, water experts statutory bodies.
We are looking forward to updating you on the next actions to be taken on this particular project in the next two months. We are so excited!
By: Leila Kisiah
PR committee,
Rotary Club of Lavington Jioni.