Rotary Club of Embu Rallies Support for Maternal and Child Health at Embu Level 5 Hospital

By Mteeve Brian

In a concerted effort to improve maternal and child health, the Rotary Club of Embu, alongside several Rotaract Clubs and community partners, launched a vital initiative at Embu Level 5 Hospital on August 20th, 2024. The visit, initiated by Dr. Marete, a pediatrician at the hospital, highlighted the urgent needs of vulnerable children in the pediatric ward.

The Rotary Club of Embu, joined by the Rotaract Clubs of Embu College, University of Embu, and the Rotary Community Corps (RCC) Fides, was warmly welcomed by the hospital management. The visit was a response to a thorough needs assessment, revealing critical shortages in the pediatric ward, where abandoned and special needs children, including those with cerebral palsy and malnutrition, faced dire conditions.

To address these challenges, the Rotary and Rotaract clubs undertook a successful fundraising campaign, culminating in an event at Kahawa Sasa in Embu. The funds raised were used to provide essential supplies, including diapers, soap, wipes, and adult diapers for ICU patients. However, the need for specialized medical equipment, such as heaters, bedding, thermometers, and phototherapy machines, remains pressing.

One particularly heart-wrenching case involved a one-year-old child with cerebral palsy and severe malnutrition. The child, abandoned by her parents, is now under the care of her elderly, widowed grandfather. Despite efforts to place her in a children’s home, the specialized care she requires has made this difficult. The Rotary Club is now rallying support for her long-term care and possible adoption.

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Following the visit, Rotary and Rotaract members gathered at Boma Downtown Hotel to celebrate the initiative’s success and discuss future efforts to support Embu’s vulnerable children. The collaborative spirit of the clubs was evident, underscoring their commitment to making a lasting difference in the community.

As the Rotary Club of Embu continues its efforts, they are calling on Rotarians, Rotaractors, donors, and international partners to join them in addressing the urgent needs of Embu Level 5 Hospital’s pediatric ward. The Rotary Club of Embu meets every Wednesdays 6pm-7pm at Nokras Silver Oak, Embu.

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