Rotary Thika Road Is Online Despite The COVID-19 Pandemic

Following the confirmation of an active COVID-19 case in Kenya, the Ministry of Health recommended to suspend all public meetings, events and gatherings in order to curb the spread of the virus. Rotary meetings were not spared and clubs across District 9212 are exploring options for conducting virtual club meetings.
The Rotary Club of Nairobi-Thika Road was one of the first to find a solution and successfully held its first virtual meeting using Zoom – a video conferencing application with real-time messaging and content sharing. Over 9 Rotary and Rotaract Clubs were represented with a total of 30 participants.
The District Governor Joe Otin commended the effort. ‘Thika Road Rotary Club has led the way in implementing a meeting model that other clubs can follow amid this global health crisis. It encourages business continuity and safeguards the health of the members which is our top priority,’ he said.
The members present were from the Rotary Clubs of Thika, Thika West, Rongai, Nairobi East, Nakuru, Muranga, Kilifi and the Rotaract Club of Thika.