RC Lang’ata TAPS into the DG’s Insights.

District 9212 came into existence in 2010-11 following a decision by the Board of Directors of Rotary International (RI) to split what was, formerly District 9200 into two; that is, District 9211 and 9212. Former D9200 comprised the six East African countries Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
As of 1st July 2013, Tanzania and Uganda formed D9211 whilst Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda formed D9212.
A visit by the District Governor (DG) is one of the most important events in a Rotary club. In District 9212, it is tradition for an incumbent DG to visit clubs at least once. The visit gives a DG deeper insight about what clubs are doing while he/she shares his/her vision and feedback with the club leadership and general membership.
When Integrated communications and Digital Marketing expert, Joe Otin took over as the District Governor for Rotary International, he held a clear ambition to grow the number of Rotarians in the four countries by 50 per cent, boost family participation in Rotary, and find ways to attract more active professionals to Rotary’s leadership.
To us as the Rotary Club of Lang’ata, hosting the DG for a visit was an anticipated day, and when it dawned on the 30th of January 2020, we were all in awe. He first had a meeting with our current board where he commended the club for having a huge number of volunteers in the Districts team. Thereafter the DG detailed his journey during his tenure as the District Governor.

In line with the theme of the RI president ‘Rotary Connects the world.’ – membership was an important part of building great connections. It was prudent that each club should have a strong and vibrant membership in the club’s committee
In his insights, this could be achieved in one of two ways:
- . Involve families.
- The DG disclosed that the younger demographic are coming from small families : it would be illogical to force them to choose between their families and rotary
- He advised that we should involve families in our socials, projects and other various club activities
- The current age of new members is comprised of people who are actively involved in their careers.
- This birthed the idea of organizational-based clubs. The Rotary Club of Nairobi Connect was charted in December 2019 and was the first among many
All clubs and all organizations need a team of like minded people to help drive it’s vision. With this in mind , the DG formed a strategic planning committee . Their role was too gather data in rotary clubs and come up with a rallying call.
All clubs and all organizations need a team of like-minded people to help drive its vision. With this in mind, the DG formed a strategic planning committee, mandated to gather data in rotary clubs and come up with a rallying call and improve the quality of their membership experience
In as much as the clubs were generally doing well, there was room for improvement. It was against this background that the slogan “Elevate your Game “was coined.

DG Otin further disclosed the need to attend the upcoming District Conference and Assembly, “Discon 2020”
The conference:
- Will be opened up to as many Rotarians as possible. The fee is at its lowest in recent times.
- Will have Pre-Conference activities where we can give back to the community
- Will encompass a clean-up of Nairobi river, ran by the Rotary club of Ruiru under the umbrella of the “Adopt-a-River” initiative
- Will have a Painting of St. Dominic school ran by the Rotary club of Hurlingham
- Will feature the Grand Sam Owori awards – an award ceremony aimed at recognizing exemplary Rotarians. This will be wrapped up with an amazing concert
- International speakers who embody the vision of rotary and will being a fresh perspective on rotary and its service to humanity
The meeting culminated in a mini-award ceremony to celebrate great achievers of our club. The awards included the “Best Committee” “Member with the Highest attendance” and also the “Best Rotarian”

Submitted by: Rotary Club of Lang’ata
Emily is currently engaged as the Communications Manager for Africa at Smile Train and perceives work as a service. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism from the United States International University- Africa (USIU-A). Her 9-year career as a Public Relations consultant has seen her hone her skills in media relations and training, event management, social media, conference moderating and feature writing. Emily is passionate about working with people and forming fulfilling relationships, sharing ideas and volunteering to worthwhile projects and events within the community. To this end she is a mentor of high school students, a Toastmaster and Rotarian. She enjoys performing arts-theatre and drama, reading novels and current affairs publications, writing short stories, travelling, listening to music, and watching films and documentaries.