The Rotary Club Of Juba Grows By LEAPS & BOUNDS

The Timeline interviewed President Geoffrey Madra of the Rotary Club Of Juba about the opportunities and challenges of managing the largest club in South Sudan.
How did you join Rotary?
Funny thing I had never heard about Rotary, Rotaract or Interact since I studied in a Refugee camp where information about clubs of different types and norms was limited.
I was first invited to Rotary by a friend in 2014 however, I declined his invitations several times until when he was elected a president and invited me to his installation ceremony. The ceremony was so lovely and I was convinced about the democratic nature of leadership.
Thereafter, I started attending the meeting regularly until I was inducted as a member end of 2014; since then I have been an active member of the club, participated and contributed toward RC Juba activities.
I have learnt a lot in Rotary, though sometimes I am busy on other business-related ventures I still response considerably to Rotary work.
How has your Journey been to becoming President of RC Juba?
I think the members of RC Juba have seen potential in me. I am supposed to be the President Elect however, our current president Elect Dr. Napoleon Robert couldn’t take up the role this Rotary year due to family reasons and the nature of his new job in an international NGO. The club immediately asked me to step in which was seconded during the general assembly meeting.
I was inspired to take up leadership from D9212 District Conference and Assembly (DCA) held in Naivasha in May 2018. The conference equipped me with skills and Rotary spirit to accept the role of a president. I didn’t know this role is so demanding in terms of time and responding to many queries from various corners when you are on private assignments.
Tell us more about being a member of the Big 5 Rotary Clubs in District 9212?
Rotary club of Juba was struck by conflict in South Sudan and many foreigners were forced out of the country in 2013 and 2016. The current members of RC Juba are new and most of them are South Sudan nationals. This change has made many Rotarians in active but we are now working on reviving the club with active and amazing Rotarians committed to rotary values.
We are growing RC Juba fast and inducting 10 Rotarians in 1 week during DG’s visit to South Sudan was wonderful. To be among the big 5 has been due to hard work by Rotarian and able club officers. We are currently doing massive invitation to people to attend rotary functions, radio talk show and support to interact and rotaract clubs to enhance growth.
What achievements have you had in your tenure?
Inducting 10 new members within 1 week. Paying district dues within 1 week of my installation as president. Donating over 1300 text books focused on fiction, plant, agriculture and story books with an addition of 10 dozens of exercise books and 4 boxes of pens.
How has the club achieved its growth?
Commitment by the members of RC Juba of inviting people of all sort of life and putting rotary in their work at various levels. Leading exemplary life and giving back to the community in form of service. Endowing the Rotary Pin during club functions hence attracting more people. Streamlining communication at all levels of the club. My personality and interesting club meetings have attracted more Rotarians and guests.
What challenges are you experiencing?
Poor reporting to the district and RI by previous officials. For instance, I am struggling with GG GG1415273 which was approved since 2014; This has been a challenge for the past 3 presidents and I purpose to have it sorted.
In active members are becoming a burden to the active members since they end up paying for their Districts and RI dues to ensure the club is qualified to run.
A lot of pending issues emanating from non-responsiveness of the previous district leaders which has led to slow growth of the club and lack if partnerships interested partners globally.
What has kept the club going?
Members have remained resilient and continue to pay District and RI dues for even the non-active members hence ensuring RC Juba remains among the biggest clubs in the district.
New Rotarians from different professionals have helped the club cope with various levels of challenges; their experience has been so instrumental.
What advice do you give to new clubs?
Be active in your clubs, make fellowship fun and interesting to attract aspiring Rotarians. Share constructive ideas impeccable for Rotary growth.
What is your parting shot?
RC Juba is energized and focused to grow Rotary in the district particularly in South Sudan by forming more Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs.