My Life Changing Experience In INTERACT

The first time I heard about Interact was in an orientation held by senior students. I was there simply because my friends wanted to go. Our school has a plethora of clubs; I didn’t think this one would be any special. But from the second I entered the meeting room, I started having a very new experience. Besides my friends, I knew no one in the club but everyone came and greeted me. I noticed that almost everyone I interacted with was very kind and warm. It was a refreshing experience that was not accustomed to. I became interested, so I wanted to give the club a shot.
I found these same benevolent experiences elsewhere in the Rotary family. All the Rotaractors and Rotarians I met were fascinating people that were genuinely interested in getting to know people. This leads to the biggest reason I joined Interact and later make it a big part of my life: Community. Interact clubs foster a community that’s like no other. It houses a diverse group with an eagerness to learn and make the world a better place. Interact created a space of positivity and ambition that I didn’t even get in my friend groups. Today, I’ve been an Interactor for 2+ years. Some of my closest friendships started from my Interact club.
Along with the great community Interact helped me be a part of, I’ve also gained skills that I now rely on every day. When I first joined Interact, I was a shy boy. But through time, I’ve learned to communicate with people. Interact helped me move out of my comfort zone and increase its span. I’ve practiced my public speaking skills through my time as Public Relations Director. As my club’s president, I learned valuable lessons on dealing with people, organizations and also finding the middle ground. I learned to confidently express myself, take risks, and resolve conflict within the club. My group of friends and acquaintances grew exponentially because of the confidence and social skills I gained through this club.
I grew both personally and professionally because of the few hours a week I dedicated to Interact. I know for a fact that I would be a different person in a different place had I never attended that first meeting 2 years ago. I like where I am. That decision to go to a random club meeting became one of the best ones I’ve ever made.
Article By Vahid Menu Nesro , Past President, Interact Club of Ethio Parent’s School – Ethiopia