Meet the team – Rotaract

Gathua Muhia
Executive Committee Chair
Rotaract Club of Nairobi Central.
The Rotary year 2021/22 will be exciting. It will be the second year in a pandemic. The last year has proven that we, as a district, are agile and highly adaptable.
This year, the executive committee will lay most of its emphasis on membership engagement. We aspire to have clubs, and the district provides exceptional value to our members.
12 months from now, success for us will be a 100% retention of our members enabled by us providing an opportunity for them to grow socially and professionally.

George Otieno
District Rotary Representative
I am George Otieno, an eLearning project manager at AfroCloud Technologies and freelance designer. In 2021-2022 we are continuing the journey of elevating Rotaract by focusing on member engagement.
We are bringing clubs to the next level of creating impact in our communities through innovative problem solving, collaboration and sustainable thinking. We are bringing our impact to the world through a greater focus on the Foundation and International Service. And, we are bringing impact to ourselves through programs for Rotaractors to develop themselves as leaders (RYLA) and professionals (Rotaract@Work).
Through technologies that will enable us to share opportunities, collaborate, monitor our growth and impact in real time, we are creating a more responsive Rotaract for a rapidly changing environment. This year, we Serve to Change Lives with One Love.

Adang’ Derrick
District Secretary
Hello, Adang’ Derrick is my name, from the Rotaract Club of Langata where I have been the club secretary and my classification is in Public Health.
In this Rotary Year 2021-22, year of ONE LOVE, I am really excited to be serving my fellow rotaractors across District 9212 (Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Eritrea) as their District Secretary. One of the goals I am looking forward to is to assist District 9212 in a way that can help clubs make decisions quickly and more logically in the existing situation and for the future increase transparency, in addition to quick access to District information relevant to clubs. Just by bridging the communication gap between the District and Rotaract Club members. This will not be limited to our District four strategic focus of membership retention and engagement, club organisation, membership growth and rotaract outreach and impact.

Meron Sileshi Mekonnen
Country Chair Ethiopia
Personal Email:
I was a part of the team that founded the Interact Club of Ethio-Parents’ School almost eight years ago. I’ve served the Interact Club of Ethio-Parents’ School as Assistant Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer. I was an Interactor for three years.
I then joined the Rotaract Club of Wodiyamado when I went to University at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce. I’ve served in the Rotaract Club of Wodiya Mado as an Interact Club Director, Secretary and then President.
After my Presidency ended, I joined the Country Team as an Assistant District Rotaract Representative for the year 2019/20. Then, in 2020/21 I served as the Country Secretary. Now, I’ll be serving Rotaract Ethiopia as Country Chair in 2021/22.
I’m also a proud AIESEC Alumna, where I served as the Team Leader for Membership Development in the Talent Management Portfolio and Vice President for Talent Management and Alumni Relations during my three years in Addis Ababa University School of Commerce.
Being a part of the Rotaract family has been one of the most thrilling experiences I’ve had so far. Starting out as an Interacter then joining Rotaract and now getting to this stage.
By 2021/22 I plan on making Rotaract Ethiopia a platform that enhances the professional and leadership skills of Rotaractors so once they have empowered themselves then they can impact their community.

Mwadime Nicholas
Strategic and Planning Director
My name’s Mwadime Nicholas. I am from RAC Nairobi Parklands. I have served as a Past President. I am a Chemical and Petroleum Engineering graduate. I run a nonprofit organization called Ready Aiders Foundation as the Chief Managing Officer. I am also a businessman running a tours and travels agency by the name Xtreme Republic Events.
District Role; I will be serving as the Strategic and Planning Director.
Goal; To oversee the Four main areas of focus as per the Strategic Plan

Fredrick Ochari Oketch,
Club: Rotary Club of Ongata Rongai and Rotaract Club of Ongata Rongai
Classification: Graphic Design
Docket (Rotary Year 2021-2022): Public Image and Communications Committee Chair
Year Goal for my Docket: 1- Increase the awareness of Rotary and Rotaract as a brand. 2- Ensure effective communication between the district team and clubs within and without the district 3- Hold quarterly training on Rotary brand awareness for PR directors within the district. 4- Publish quarterly the Rotaract Magazine.

Elvis Karaya
I am a member of the Rotaract Club of the University of Nairobi, a past president and assistant District Rotaract Representative. I study Medicine and have an interest in the neuro sciences. Leadership and governance also intrigue me, and are part of why I joined and continue to stay in Rotary.
I gravitated towards Programs because it spoke to my passion for personal and professional development. My sojourn in Rotaract has seen me grow in ways I had not anticipated and I would like to have more members experience something similar. At Programs – RYLA, K-Net and Rotaract@Work – the goal is to work together to create lasting change in ourselves so that we can have exceptional global citizens, model professionals, and innovative young leaders.

Wanjiku Monicah
Classification: Procurement/entrepreneurship
♡ Create awareness to clubs
♡ Help clubs apply for global/district grants
♡ Hold events to fundraise to the rotary foundation on a club and district level.
Goals for 2021/2022
♡ Create awareness on what TRF is and why Rotaractors should donate.
♡ To help clubs apply for district grants
♡ Double the amount of donations raised in the Rotary Year 2021-22

Nancy Njeri M. ,Profile
Club: Rotaract Club of Nyeri IF.
Classification: MSc Civil Engineering.
2021/2022 – District 9212 Projects’ Director.
2020/2021 – A-DRR Mt. Kenya Region.
2019/2020 – President Rotaract Club of DeKUT.
2018/2019 – Professional Development and Leadership Director (RAC DeKUT).
2017/2018 – Club Service Director (RAC DeKUT).
Projects’ Committee Goals of Rotary Year 2021/2022.
1. Raise the number of clubs that have well-defined, executed, and sustainable signature projects.
2. Encourage and establish partnerships within and without Rotaract clubs(i.e. regions, districts, and other organizations).
3. Provide a platform for the assessment of the progress of Projects as well as the sharing of learning experiences and contacts from projects across the District.
4. Launch a District Project as well as raise awareness and funds; Elimisha Na Rotaract (A Poverty Reduction Strategy: Starting Small Businesses to Create Financial Independence for Schools and promote Literacy).

Victoria Gaya, Profile
The first time I ever heard of Rotaract was in January 2016 and when I first went for the Sunshine Rally I knew I had found the place I needed to be and was later inducted as a member in April 2016. In 2017 I became the Professional development Director for Rotaract Club of UoN and we began the Mentorship Program at Lower Kabete Primary. I later became the club’s Vice president and then the President in 2019. In 2020 I became the Assistant District Rotaract Representative (ADRR) for Nairobi Region and joined the Rotaract club of Karura. Now in 2021, I am privileged to be the RYLA chair. I look forward to continuing to serve others in the community and encouraging the empowerment of the youth.
To Provide an Effective Training Bootcamp Experience for rotaractors and guests.
To Encourage Leadership of Youth by Youth
To Recognise Publicly Young People who are Rendering Service to their Communities
To reach an impact of 500 max youths and rotaractors

Juliet Kurui, Profile
I am Juliet Kurui from the Rotaract club of UoN Kikuyu Campus. My classification is education. I am passionate about teaching every child because I believe that every child deserves good education and inclusivity irrespective of their physical or mental impairments. I also enjoy teaching because it allows me to interact with children. I like interacting with people,arts,African music (rhumba) and books. Arts play a major role in my opinions, knowledge and understanding the world.
Interact is a Rotary program which caters for young people from the age of 12-18. The goal in Interact is to develop leadership skills, provide an avenue where young people can serve their community and solve world issues.
Interact clubs have been able to impact the community through their projects. Interactors have been able to organize book donations,well drilling,tree planting,food donations,clean ups, awareness on different issues and many other projects.Interact clubs provide foundation into eventual membership in Rotaract.
Rotaract clubs provide Interactors with mentorship and support in their activities as they share the same goal of serving their communities in different capacities. Interact clubs provide the Rotaract with diverse views and opinions when planning and executing different plans for projects. Rotaract clubs can charter Interact clubs and this is vital in the continuation and survival of Interact clubs.
My goal for the rotary year 2021/2022 is to ensure that Interactors are able to transition to Rotaractors by joining community and institution based clubs. I would also like to have more Rotaract-Interact partnerships in mentorship and projects. I believe that mentorship is very critical in every child’s life and because Rotaractors come from different and diverse backgrounds in life,they are in a position to advise and guide the Interactors.Our committee will also work to ensure that Rotaract clubs are able to charter and expand Interact in District 9212.

Peter Mwarangu, Profile
Photographer, Videographer and Dronner
Member Rac Malindi
Membership Docket Goals
1. Build capacity of members. Quality of membership
2. Creation of new clubs; traditional and cause based clubs.
3. Cultivate interest in all levels of leadership.
4. Encouragement of collaboration.
5. Chartering of Rotary Clubs by Rotaractors
Clubs can reach us for Membership training and talks

Kennedy Gayah, Profile
Finance P2P Specialist/CPA (K)
Member of RAC Nairobi Central and Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG)
Gayah, a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Foundation, joined Rotaract in 2016 at the Rotaract Club of University of Nairobi, Lower Kabete Campus where he later served as President in 2017-18. He was an Assistant District Rotaract Representative serving clubs in Nairobi in 2018-19, Chairperson of Rotaract at Work in Kenya in 2019, Rotaract District 9212 Membership Director in 2019-20 and most recently served as the District Rotaract Representative 2020-21.
He has in the past been a session speaker and moderator at the 1st All Africa Rotary Zone 22 Institute in 2019 at Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt and at the 2nd All Africa Rotary Zone 22 Institute in 2020 at Kampala, Uganda respectively. He has also served as a Training Facilitator for Rotary International District Rotaract Representatives Training in 2021.
Gayah is serving as the President of Rotaract Africa and District 9212 Advisor and Trainer in Rotary Year 2021/22.
Reach out to Gayah for all your District and Club training needs and work with the International Service Director, for opportunities to work and partner with over 1000 Rotaract clubs in Africa.

Muthoni Njuguna, Profile
My name is Muthoni Njuguna. Most people know me by Sonnie. I was inducted into Rotaract on the 10th of October 2017 in the Rotaract Club of DeKUT by then DG Peter Mbui. In the following year, I served as Public Relations as well as International Service Director. In the year after that, I served as our club secretary until I was then elected to be President in the Rotary Year 2020/2021.
My service at Rotary has been nothing short of fulfilling. A journey filled with amazing experiences and invaluable friendships. The best thing is that there is always more to look forward to.
My definition of International service is any form of event, activity, or project that a club or a district takes part in outside of their own, for the ultimate goal of experiencing something new that they wouldn’t otherwise have had. Therefore as the District International Service director, my responsibility is to enhance members’ knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of worldwide needs, problems, and opportunities as well as cultural differences. I would also be responsible for developing activities to promote international understanding and goodwill.
My goal this Rotary year is to work with clubs and districts to identify resources to develop international projects and design global grants of higher quality and greater scale by leveraging local Rotarian and Rotaract expertise, establish connections between clubs in our district as well as international partners and create a network of local experts to help with planning projects and grants.
With the help of my committee, we hope to give Rotaractors in District 9212 the international benefits and experience that they are privileged to have just by virtue of being a Rotaractor.
One Love.