Harnessing the next generation of ROTARIANS|

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people between the ages of 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, however they are still self-governing and self-supporting.
New Generations is one of the five avenues of Rotary service and 136 Rotaract clubs in our district. A few Interact clubs are thriving though though there are many that are dysfunctional or exist in name only.
The reasons for this are varied and include the following: –
- Neglect – Some Rotary clubs are not aware they have partner Interact Clubs. Interactors are therefore denied mentorship and exposure to service. Resulting in stunted enthusiasm on the Interactors part.
- Disillusionment – Some school administrations and club patrons have weak connections with Rotary. We therefore are unable to address issues related to direction, expectations and reward for their role in service.
- Peer Review – Only recently did Kenyan Interact clubs meet for the second time in over 57 years of existence and these gatherings have proven to be of great value to Interactors. Clubs lagging behind can learn from those ahead of the curve and it strengthens individual clubs. Positive, shared experiences motivate membership and club growth.
- New Generation committee leadership – These club positions are treated as fringe board positions. Left for new and inexperienced Rotarians who often have no standing committees at club, country or even district level. At worst, it is delegated to Rotaractors. This jeopardises Interact of sustainability and continuity once the directors ‘burn out’ or simply fade away.
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now! Rotary clubs need robust new generation committees within the club leadership in order to make them sustainable and build stronger relationships.
Elevate your game in creating excitement around Interact clubs. Rotary values are a formidable anchor for responsible leadership. Let’s have a positive impact on our children when they are still young.
By Gideon Akwabi, District Interact Chairman
Mostly Rotary Clubs will be in a hurry to charter an Interact Club. Hurray let’s do this, but after two or three meetings they completely disappear. Well a tick on their reporting but what’s left is a dying or rather dead Interact Club. Sustainability of these clubs have never been keenly put into account. Shockingly most New Generation Directors are clueless on whats expected of them.
Surprised at the total number of Interact Clubs but what’s the essence of a club to keep chartering more while the already extent ones under them are doing poorly or dead. The trend goes on and there keeps being an inlet and outlet of these clubs.
If for a minute we say let’s benchmark the visibility and performance of Interact Clubs in our District and some which are doing well, we are literary at 5% or below to having impactful clubs. What is it that these other Districts are doing different from us? Should clubs be limited on the number of Interact Clubs they choose to sponsor ? Should patrons be made more aware of what Rotary is all about so they can be able to guide the Interact clubs? Should clubs be keen on choosing their New Generation Directors and also be more visible to these clubs? Well, who knows!
“….At worst, it is delegated to Rotaractors….” Thou nothing wrong in delegating to Rotaractors since it also helps them in developing their leadership skills but problem comes when its completely left to them. Now when the reality of life hits the Rotaractors, “should I invest all my time in the Interact club or studies or finding work for those out of school?” He/she chooses the latter. Or rather when they get overwhelmed. So what’s left of an Interact club when its backbone , “rotaractors”, also gets tired and gives up? A dead Interact Club.
Mostly the kind of support interact clubs or activities have been getting is good speeches but no actions taken afterwards to improve their performance. How about for starters, the District giving importance to the Annual Interact Conference, this will not work wonders but it will surely show a tiny step is being taken to not preaching water and drinking wine.