Meeting the challenge of Polio Endgame

As 2018-19 Trustee Chair Brenda Cressey shared, contribution results for the 2018-19 Rotary year were outstanding. Thanks to each of you for your enthusiastic support of Rotary’s priority program – the eradication of polio. In late May, we were faced with an unusual prospect of being considerably short of our $50 million goal. The cash contributions and District Designated Fund projections showed we would be approximately $5 million short of goal.
You came to the rescue and together we raised $50.8 million. This achievement truly shows the willingness and dedication of all Rotarians to fulfill our promise to the children of the world. Together we will end polio.
While we celebrate our success in 2018-19, we must remember that our job is not complete. Our new challenge is to raise $50 million for polio eradication this Rotary year.
Thank you for all you are doing and will do to help end polio now.
John F. Germ
Chair, End Polio Now Countdown to History Campaign Committee
President, Rotary International, 2016-17