Empowering Communities, Building Economies

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Dear Rotarians and Friends,

As we continue our centenary journey, October brings us to Rotary’s Economic and Community Development Month—a time to focus on empowering people and creating lasting economic improvements in the communities we serve. Through our service, we invest in people, build sustainable systems, and uplift the most underserved. Rotary enables us to make measurable changes, and this month is an opportunity to showcase how we are transforming lives.

Rotary District 9212, with its 145 clubs, is deeply committed to reducing poverty and fostering economic empowerment. A standout example is the Rotary Club of Nakuru’s “6T Project,” which integrates water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services with economic empowerment through table banking. This initiative allows women to take loans to grow their businesses and support their families, making a tangible difference in their lives. Stories like these demonstrate our collective ability to make a lasting economic impact in the communities we serve.

According to the World Bank, poverty in Africa has declined from 56% in 1990 to 43% in 2012. Yet, due to rapid population growth, more people are living in extreme poverty, particularly in rural and fragile regions. These statistics remind us of the urgency and importance of our work, especially in underdeveloped areas. Rotary’s projects, designed to empower individuals economically, bring hope and opportunity where it is needed most.

This October is also significant as we celebrate World Polio Day on October 24. Rotary has been at the forefront of the global effort to eradicate polio, having immunized over 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. While we have reduced polio cases by 99.9%, we are not done yet—we are this close to eradicating polio for good. Our district aims to raise $500,000 this year for The Rotary Foundation, with a portion of these funds going to support the End Polio initiative. Please join our Elevate Your Pin campaign and help us meet this goal. Learn more about how you can participate here.

100 Days of Rotary Stories

This October, we also mark the conclusion of our 100 Days of Rotary Stories campaign, which began on July 1. It has been a remarkable journey of discovering the impact, purpose, and inspiration of our Rotary Clubs and their community service projects. The campaign has celebrated 100 impactful stories across our district, showcasing the profound difference Rotary is making in each focus area. Stay tuned for updates and exciting news as we wrap up this campaign and continue telling the stories of change.

See Also

In this issue, we feature more “People of Action” stories, highlighting impactful literacy projects, maternal and child health initiatives, and the drive to End Polio. Let these stories serve as a reminder of the extraordinary work we are doing together, building stronger, more resilient communities every day.

Happy Reading!

Caroline Njiru, MPRSK
Editor In Chief – The Timeline

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