District Conference 2020 – Update On Registration Fees
May 30, 2020

Following the suspension of DisCon2020 on March 31st 2020, occasioned by the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, the DisCon 2020 organizing committee held numerous consultative meetings discussing ways forward for all registered delegates. They arrived at the following:
- All paid up delegates shall receive a registration fee refund of 95%, with the 5% un-refunded amount taking care of transaction charges and irrecoverable expenses such as marketing, branding, IT enhancements, administration, etc. already incurred. We hope to have completed the exercise by June 30th 2020. Refunds will be via mobile money transfer (M-PESA) and Pesalink to the mobile numbers and bank accounts used at registration.
- If you would like to utilize your registration fee refund towards the 2021 DCA, please confirm so by writing to us at digital@rotary9212.org by May 31st, 2020. The written instruction will inform your immediate registration for 2021 DCA at an early bird rate of $150. In your response, please confirm whether any available balance should be credited to you or applied to the COVID-19 disaster recovery initiative. In case your current credit is less than the early bird fee of $150, please note that you will be required to top up the difference to be registered for the 2021 DCA. Next year’s DCA has been billed as “An out of Africa experience beyond imaginations” where delegates will explore, connect, and recharge in a “world’s best serene ambiance” with snow, and in the wild!
- The delegates who would want to donate their registration fee refund to the District 9212 COVID-19 disaster recovery initiative can do so by formally writing to us at digital@rotary9212.org by May 31st, 2020. The written instruction will inform immediate channeling of the refund to the initiative.
“We sincerely appreciate your sustained faith and patience in our team as we work toward the conclusion of the refund process. Should you have any additional questions or comments, you can reach us at digital@rotary9212.0rg,” said the conference chair, James Mwangi.