Wheelchairs Create Hope For Children Living with Cerebral Palsy in Kirinyaga, Kenya

By Samuel Rigu

Step into a world where laughter echoes, energy overflows, and radiant smiles light up even the darkest corners. In an extraordinary partnership, the Rotary Club of Mwea has joined hands with the Rotary Club of Kirinyaga and Bethany Kids to change the lives of children with cerebral palsy and their devoted caregivers in Kirinyaga County, Kenya.

It was in November 2022 that the Rotary Club of Kirinyaga recognized an urgent need. Five exceptional children, bound to the backs of their caregivers due to cerebral palsy, yearned for the freedom to move, to explore, and to experience the world around them. Driven by unwavering determination and compassion, the club forged a remarkable alliance with BethanyKids, a renowned Christian-based mission with a revolutionary assistive technology program.

Their mission, they vowed, would go beyond the mere provision of wheelchairs. Their goal was nothing short of transforming lives. “At BethanyKids, we go above and beyond,” declared Dennis Murimi, a mentor and wheelchair technician. “We conduct thorough rehabilitation and assessments to ensure each child receives a customized wheelchair that perfectly suits their unique needs. But we don’t stop there—we offer free maintenance and replacements as the child grows.”

Today, the room overflows with six children, hearts brimming with immeasurable joy. Allow us to introduce you to some of these incredible children and their indomitable caregivers:

Meet Idah N. M., a 9-year-old girl who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy just three days after birth. Her widowed mother, Lucy Wanjiru, dreams of a future where her daughter attends school, helps in the kitchen, and starts her own family. “Thanks to Rotary, my daily struggles have eased,” she beamed as she watched her daughter get fitted into the wheelchair.

Next, we have Silvia N., who developed cerebral palsy at just five months old. Her grandmother, Nancy Wakuthie, is a beacon of unwavering hope, firmly believing that Silvia will lead an independent life. “Getting Silvia into this wheelchair is just the beginning of brighter days,” she declared.

And there’s Jeff N., a 13-year-old with a smile that lights up the room and a talent for singing and dancing that knows no bounds. His mother, Alice Wakuthii Gikira, envisions a future where they walk hand in hand to church, hearts brimming with hope.

While these children have received the life-changing gift of mobility, their caregivers face another challenge—the high cost of providing essential drugs and diapers. Yet, amidst these challenges, a sense of unity and resilience prevails.

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RC Meru

Together, we can make a profound difference. To all parents with special children, let us unite: open them up to opportunities, let them explore the world, and revel in its beauty. Join support groups and experience the immeasurable emotional upliftment that awaits.

In the midst of this heartwarming endeavor, the support and encouragement from the Rotary Club members shine bright. “What a joy, what a relief! Today, caregivers and children are happier than ever! Let’s support and create a lasting ray of hope!” exclaims Joyce Kamande, the Young Generations Director of RC Mwea. “This is a moment of pride for RC Kirinyaga. Let’s nurture their talents and make a positive impact in their lives,” adds Judith Karimi, Rotary District 9212 Vice Country Chair.

Together, let’s bring hope to the world! The Rotary Club’s profound commitment to transforming lives serves as an inspiring example for all. Through their compassion and dedication, they have gifted these children and their caregivers with immeasurable joy and hope, proving that unity and kindness have the power to change lives for the better. The radiant smiles of these children light up not only the room but also our hearts, reminding us of the boundless possibilities that lie within the embrace of love and support.

View Comment (1)
  • Congratulations RC Mwea! This is incredible! Congratulations. We would love to partner as we have a school we are supporting as RC Karen. Let’s talk and learn more from you especially on assessments. Well done such a joyous article to read!

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