Rotary Club of Kakamega Steps Up Amid Maternal Health Crisis at Malava Sub-County Hospital

RC Kakamega

By Steve Jorex

Kakamega, Kenya, July 29, 2024 – The Rotary Club of Kakamega has taken a significant step to address the alarming maternal health crisis in Kakamega County by donating gift hampers to mothers at Malava Sub-County Hospital. This initiative is part of Rotary’s global focus on maternal and child healthcare during the month of July.

Malava Sub-County Hospital, a level four facility, serves as the primary maternity care center for a population exceeding 200,000 people. With an average of 2,000 mothers admitted each month, the hospital is stretched far beyond its capacity. The facility’s Nursing Development Unit (NDU) is currently operating with only seven baby cots and a single incubator, which is grossly inadequate for the volume of deliveries it handles.

Dr. Robert Ngasa, the Deputy Medical Superintendent at Malava Level Four Hospital, highlighted the urgent need for more resources. “The maternity section and NDU are in dire need of increased bed capacity and equipment. The current situation is unsustainable and poses a significant risk to both mothers and newborns.”

The Rotary Club of Kakamega’s involvement comes at a critical time. The hospital, as the sole level four facility in the sub-county, is expected to cater to the healthcare needs of a large population, yet it remains severely under-equipped. The lack of sufficient maternal care resources is a glaring issue that demands immediate attention.

The donation of gift hampers by the Rotary Club is just one of the many initiatives the club has undertaken to improve healthcare in the region. In previous years, the Rotary Club of Kakamega has partnered with the Kakamega County Teaching and Referral Hospital on various projects aimed at enhancing the county’s healthcare infrastructure. This year, the club is working on a global grant project to provide the referral hospital with additional equipment, further solidifying its commitment to addressing the healthcare challenges faced by the county.

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As Rotary’s Maternal and Child Health Month draws to a close, the Rotary Club of Kakamega’s efforts underscore the pressing need for better maternal healthcare facilities in Malava. The situation at the hospital serves as a stark reminder of the disparities in healthcare access and the urgent need for intervention.

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